Message from the President

Official statistics are crucial information that serves as the basis for citizens to make rational decisions. The rapid progress and development of information technology has caused a flood of data within our society. Under these conditions, I believe that official statistics compiled through appropriate processes are becoming increasingly significant.
In April 2023, the National Statistics Center (NSTAC) celebrated the twentieth anniversary of its establishment as an incorporated administrative agency. Since its founding, NSTAC has continued its
The first mission of NSTAC is to “produce statistics.”
We compile and tabulate important statistics reflecting socioeconomic trends such as the population, unemployment rate, consumer price index (CPI), household finances, and business activities based on information obtained from statistical surveys while maintaining strict confidentiality and focusing on ensuring quality including accuracy and promptness.
Our second mission is to “utilize statistics.”
Statistics have value only when we make use of them. NSTAC operates data provision services that are highly convenient for users and is leading the release of public information as open data. We are also contributing to the promotion of the utilization of statistical data throughout society by accommodating more sophisticated methods of statistical analysis and diversified needs, as well as through technical support for data utilization.
Our third mission is to “support statistics.”
NSTAC operates and manages a shared information system for government statistics as common infrastructure for official statistical services and use. We also support statistical surveys and the compilation of statistics by other ministries and agencies, such as by taking on these tasks using our own technologies.
Particularly in light of the situation surrounding official statistics in recent years, NSTAC, along with the statistical departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, is expected to support official statistics overall as one of the Japanese government’s central statistical organizations, and we intend to soundly fulfill this role.
NSTAC itself is sustained by its accumulated technologies and experience, as well as the human resources who embody them. We have been improving the sophistication and efficiency of our operations by implementing the latest ICT and digital technologies such as AI, along with advanced statistical theories. At the same time, we are also committed to the development of human resources who will be responsible for the future of statistics.
Giving first priority to the users of statistics, we will further strengthen our cooperation with other ministries and agencies, local governments, the private sector, and academia so that official statistics bring even greater value to society. We appreciate your continued understanding and support for the activities of NSTAC.