The National Statistics Center has acquired certification in the ISMS standard (JIS Q 27001(ISO/IEC27001)) since October 16th , 2007.
NSTAC will continue to create accurate and reliable statistical data and provide it in a timely and proper manner by continually improving the operation of our Information Security Management System (ISMS).
*ISMS: Information Security Management System. This indicates an organization or institution having a system that allocates resources, has established a plan, and has defined a security level above that requires risk assessment by organizational management in addition to technical measures for dealing with individual problems. A certification registration entity accredited to have the ability and impartiality to inspect and register an organization, carries out inspections and certifications making sure that the information security management level of the organization conforms with JIS Q 27001 (ISO/IEC27001)
*The scope of certification registration: Management of data processing, data processing work, support for statistical surveys under entrustment, development and operation of an information system, operation of a statistical data archive, operation of IMISOS, technical surveys and research.